There’s a big gap between a great idea for a new food product and a selection available widely in stores, even locally. It is not necessarily a hard one to cross, but it does take persistent work. Unless you have a company that has already launched successful products, you probably have to start by learning how to reach your customers.
Create a Brand Presence
Stores and distributors typically want to invest in carrying a product they can recognize, because that means there is some local demand. If you’re making something similar to products that they are familiar with, it might be easier to get into stores because of that familiarity, but that also means the space is more competitive. Either way, what you need is a brand presence. Something like custom coffee packaging bags can help you make your brand recognizable, but before it can be recognized it has to be known.
Online sales have been one channel that has proven very successful for shelf-stable snacks, beverage brands, and coffee roasters. It is not the only way, though. Most of those products also had person to person sales via trade shows, local festivals, and other events where the business could sell directly to consumers, building brand recognition and connecting to people who will then follow digital marketing channels like the company’s social media.
Trade shows can connect you with the professionals who will distribute or directly sell your items, but there is no way to overestimate how much direct consumer sales can help. When people are already looking for your next booth, you have created demand, and there is nothing that stores like better than recognizable brands. They sell themselves.
Connect With Local Grocers and Distributors
Trade shows are only the first step toward connecting with the professionals who will help you get your products on shelves. They are great because you can also meet suppliers and vendors like the people who make custom stick packs for food companies, but they are limited to the companies that participate in that one event.
You should also do research to learn who the major local food distributors are and how to pitch to them, and it helps to join local business organizations like a Chamber of Commerce for networking. There you can meet people who are local and likely to recognize your brand from mobile sales events and ads. That includes shop owners and grocers who might buy directly from your business before you get a distributor that can move your product more widely.
Packaging Strategies To Attract Wholesale Clients
Brand recognition goes a long way toward getting stores interested in carrying your goods, but there is more to it. Distributors and stores want products that use shelf space efficiently, present well and protect the product from damage. Working with sachet packaging services on custom designs that accomplish those goals can help you produce the range of sizes and package shapes that stores will want to carry. Get in touch with a service provider today to get started.